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CLO Executive Committee - 2024/2025

Chair:  Jason Bird, Sault College 

Vice Chair: Colin Fitzsimons, George Brown College

Past Chair, Secretary/Treasurer: Jane Burpee, Centennial College

Eastern Representative: John Ellis, Algonquin College

Northern Representative: Dayna DeBenedet, Confederation College 

Western Representative: Lynn Coleman, Mohawk College                           

Central Representative: Marian Traynor, Sheridan College                                         

OCLS Board Representative: Jessica Bugorski, Fanshawe College                      

CLO Membership

Algonquin College 1385 Woodroffe Avenue, Ottawa ON K2G 1V8

John Ellis Manager, Student Learning Centre & Libraries 

(613) 727-4723 x5062

Boréal, Collège Carrefour de la réussite, 21 Boul. Lasalle, Sudbury ON P3A 6B1
Ashli Lewis Gestionnaire de la réussite scolaire 

Cambrian College 1400 Barrydowne Road, Sudbury ON P3A 3V8

Marnie Seal Manager, Library 

(705) 566-8101 x7651  

Canadore College PO Box 5002, 100 College Drive, North Bay ON P1B 8L7

Nancy Black Executive Director, Library Services
(705) 474-3450 x4220

Centennial College Progress Campus PO Box 631, Stn A Toronto ON M1K 5E9 

Jane Burpee Director, Libraries and Learning Centres

Conestoga College 299 Doon Valley Drive, Kitchener ON N2G 4M4

Julie Mandal Director, Library & Learning Services

Confederation College Paterson Library Commons 1450 Nakina Dr. Thunder Bay, ON P7B 0E5 

Dayna DeBenedet Manager, Learning Commons
(807) 475-6639

Durham College PO Box 385 2000 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa ON L1H 7L7

Catherine Davidson Chief Librarian 
905) 721-2000 x2348

Fanshawe College 1001 Fanshawe College Blvd., London ON N5Y 5R6 

Jessica Bugorski Director, Library Learning Commons 
(519) 452-4430 x4351

Fleming College 599 Brealey Drive, Peterborough ON K9K 2N7 

David  Luinstra Director, Student Learning Supports

705-749-5530 x 1375

George Brown College PO Box 1015, Station B, Toronto ON M5T 2T9

Colin Fitzsimons Director, Libraries, Learning and Assessment Centers
(416) 415-5000 x3745

Georgian College Barrie Campus Library Commons 1 Georgian Drive, Barrie ON L4M 3X9

Joanna Coulthard Director, Libraries and Learning Services.
(705) 728-1968 x1199

Humber Polytechnic 205 Humber College Boulevard, Toronto ON M9W 5L7

Alexandra Ross Director, Humber & University of Guelph-Humber Library 
(416) 675-6622 x3143

Lambton College Library Services, 1457 London Road, Sarnia ON N7S 6K4

Angela Ashton Coordinator, Library Services 

Loyalist College PO Box 4200 376 Wallbridge-Loyalist Road, Belleville ON K8N 5B9

Ross Danaher Director, Library and Research Services
(613) 969-1913 x2339

Mohawk College Cummings Library, 135 Fennell Avenue West, Hamilton ON L9C 1G1

Lynn Coleman  Director, Libraries and Learning
(905) 575-1212 x4078

Niagara College 135 Taylor Rd., S.S. #4, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON LOS 1J0

Leigh Cunningham Senior Director,  Libraries and Academic Support Services 
(905) 735-2211 ext. 4366 

Northern College 4715 Highway 101 East, South Porcupine, ON P0N 1H0

Shannon Arsenault Senior Library/Copyright Technician
(705) 235-3211 x6816 

Sault College 443 Northern Avenue, Sault Ste. Marie ON P6B 4J3

Jason Bird Director, Library Services and Research
(705) 759-2554 x2402

Seneca College 1750 Finch Avenue East, Toronto ON M2J 2X5

Joy Muller Director, Seneca Libraries and Academic Learning Services 
(416) 764-9820 

Sheridan College Trafalgar Road Campus, 1430 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario L6H 2L1

Marian Traynor Director, Library and Learning Services 
(905) 845-9430 x5283

St. Clair College 2000 Talbot Street West, Windsor ON N9A 6S4

Marnie Kursiss-Morrow
(519) 972-2727 x4476

St. Lawrence College 100 Portsmouth Avenue, Kingston ON K7L 5A6

Sonja Irving Manager, Libraries and Learning Commons

(613) 328-9027

Our partner

Ontario Colleges Library Service (OCLS)  789 Don Mills Rd. Suite 701, Toronto, Ontario, M3C 1T5 

Virginia Roy, Executive Director